Mar 19, 2008

have we officially gone mad?

... a letter to Yeshiva World's editor:

Dear Yeshiva world editor,

I ask you to please post this letter, as I think it is extremely important and raises a major issue that is affecting the Jewish Community at large.

As my wife was flipping through the pages of the Jewish Press one Friday night, she was shocked at a certain advertisement and called me over to have a look. What I saw might not cause such a reaction to many people, which is a problem in itself, but for this advertisement to appear in a “Frum” weekly newspaper was mind boggling to me. The ad was a picture of two women who where modeling shaitels for a certain Shaitel macher. I can’t understand how the Jewish Press allows such ads in their paper. The women are posing in such immodest ways; the advertisement belongs in People magazine not the “Jewish Press”.

I am definitely not someone who is on a level to give mussar and tell people what’s right and wrong, however I feel very strongly about this. Advertisements like this have to be part of the reason why the Jewish community is suffering so much pain recently. Tzinous is so very important and having the Jewish Press advertisement immodesty for a few bucks shows how far our community has fallen.

In the words of Rabbi Yaakov Salomon….”Something to Think About”

Ari Taub

Brooklyn, New York

This was followed up by these brilliant comment:

  • Yes, this major issue is affecting the Jewish Community at large. It rivals the great controversy over the 4 pictures of women wearing wigs in a store window on Coney Island Ave, whose ramifications are still reverberating in the neighborhood. Let’s hope this latest outrage will be successfully resolved, least our community suffer some grave misfortune.
  • If you read the Yated or Hamodia and leave the Jewish Press to yellow on the news sellers shelves they may get the message
  • I agree, you cant even switch on the radio anymore.

and one comment I agree with...

  • I am more offended by the ads for diamond encrusted watches that cost tens of thousands of dollars. These ads are mixed in with articles preaching modesty, unlavish lifestyles, and tzniut. And, do not forget the ads for the Pesach vacations.

how much longer till we're all wearing Burkas?

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