Mar 10, 2008

some thoughts on Obama...

another Obama connection to an anti-Israel organization...

The board of a nonprofit organization on which Sen. Barack Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a "catastrophe"


The revelations about Obama's relationship with Khalidi follows a recent WND article quoting Israeli security officials who expressed "concern" about Robert Malley, an adviser to Obama who has advocated negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group.

the New Yorker on Michelle Obama...

Mrs. Obama regards America as "just downright mean," and Americans as "guided by fear," America is a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents, "and it's gotten worse over my lifetime.... The life that I'm talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl."

the Jerusalem Post on "Who do we want in the White House?"

and an excerpt from Obama's Church website...

"We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian..."

I imagine if McCain or Hillary's churches were unashamedly white it would be a big deal.

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